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Writer's pictureOasis Singleton

5 Reasons Delegation is the Key to Success

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

When Gary Keller, co-founder of Keller Williams Realty, found his business plateauing despite working non-stop, he knew he needed a different approach. As he reflects in his best-selling book, "The ONE Thing", Keller recognized that to succeed and grow, he needed to focus on one thing at a time. He couldn't do everything himself and still excel at what mattered most. Despite his vast industry knowledge and relentless drive, he understood the need to delegate tasks that were outside of his primary focus. This strategic move allowed him to concentrate on what he did best - driving the strategic vision of his company and creating a culture that attracted top talent.

The results speak for themselves. Today, Keller Williams is the world's largest real estate franchise by agent count, with over 180,000 associates around the globe. Just like Gary Keller, as realtors, we must realize that we're not just selling homes—we're running a business. And to take our business to the next level, we need to understand the power of focusing on "The ONE Thing" and delegating the rest.

1. Expand Your Potential with Delegation The philosophy of Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” reminds us of the importance of focusing on tasks that align with our long-term goals. By delegating administrative tasks to a Transaction Coordinator (TC), you free up your time to concentrate on high-value activities that can drive your business growth.

2. The Value of Time Consider the time spent on paperwork—a staggering 6-10 hours for a single transaction. This time could be better used for prospecting or marketing, activities directly linked to revenue generation. James Clear, in his book “Atomic Habits,” highlights the compounding effect of saving small amounts of time consistently. The hours saved by delegating could result in significant long-term growth.

3. Top Agents Delegate Did you know that 75% of top-performing real estate agents employ at least one full-time assistant or TC? Just like Steve Jobs realized at Apple, successful real estate agents understand that effective delegation is a key strategy for growth.

4. Effective Growth Management In the classic business book “The E-Myth Revisited,” Michael E. Gerber advises entrepreneurs to work ‘on’ their business, not just ‘in’ it. Provide yourself with the time and space to focus on strategic growth initiatives, such as market analysis and long-term planning.

5. Prepare for the Future The real estate market is dynamic, and a sudden influx of business can be as challenging as a slow period. By creating a team you can trust to grow with you ensures that your business can manage increased volumes while maintaining a high standard of service.

In his book, Keller talks about discipline as a battery, which can be drained if expended on multiple tasks. He writes, “When you try to do too many things at once, you can drain your discipline and don’t leave enough energy to do your ONE Thing—the task that could have a transformative effect on your business. His story is a vivid example of the transformative power of delegation in real estate. "You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects." At AIDE, we are here to assist you with the tasks you need to delegate so you can focus on your "ONE Thing". Remember to, "Trust the Process". When you're ready to embrace the power of delegation, we're here to help you achieve your vision. Delegate effectively, and unlock your growth potential.

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