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Writer's pictureOasis Singleton

Avoiding Common Slip-Ups on Transfer Disclosure Statements

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Welcome to the dynamic realm of real estate, where the Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) often looms as a paperwork challenge. While it's the seller who fills out the TDS, agents play a crucial role in helping them understand the questions and navigate the process smoothly. In this post, we'll uncover common pitfalls associated with TDS forms and share expert tips on how to guide your clients through them like a pro.

1. Incomplete or Missing Information:

Real-Life Scenario: You're racing against the clock, and a few crucial details on the property's condition slip your mind.

Pro Tip: Take your time with TDS. Walk through the property thoroughly, and don't hesitate to consult with your client to ensure every nook and cranny is accounted for.

2. Ambiguity in Descriptions:

Real-Life Scenario: Your TDS descriptions are vague, leaving room for interpretation and potential disputes.

Pro Tip: Be crystal clear in your descriptions. Use concise language and avoid real estate jargon. If there's uncertainty, address it directly.

3. Missing Attachments and Addendums:

Real-Life Scenario: You forget to include essential documents or addendums that are relevant to the property's condition.

Pro Tip: Double-check your TDS package to ensure all relevant documents are attached. Don't assume; confirm.

4. Neglecting Updates and Changes:

Real-Life Scenario: You rely on a template from a previous transaction and forget to update it to reflect the current property's condition.

Pro Tip: Treat each TDS as a fresh canvas. Update all sections to align with the property you're representing.

5. Not Seeking Professional Help When Uncertain:

Real-Life Scenario: You encounter a unique situation that you're unsure how to address on the TDS but hesitate to seek guidance.

Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to consult with experienced colleagues or your brokerage's support team. A second set of eyes can prevent costly mistakes.

6. Delaying Submission:

Real-Life Scenario: You underestimate the importance of timely TDS submission and end up rushing through the process.

Pro Tip: Start early and maintain a systematic approach to ensure accuracy. Rushed TDS forms can lead to errors.

Remember, TDS forms are vital documents that protect both you and your client. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you'll not only save time and resources but also build a reputation as a meticulous and reliable real estate professional.

Stay tuned for more insider tips and insights from AIDE, your go-to source for real estate support and education. We've got your back in making your transactions smoother than ever.

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